Thursday, June 21, 2007

How YOU doin' ?

I thought I'd go about introducing myself before I get down to business.

I call myself the Pilgrimm because I'm on a journey from life to death and death to new life, from brokenness to sanctification, and I'm itinerant in my ministry.

I'm a prodigal-pilgrim pastor of a mainline church who is more than interested in taking the church to a new place; I'm too Catholic for a lot of Protestants, and yet I know exactly what I protest and why I'm not Catholic. I'm too edgy for traditional folks, and too traditional for contemporary folks.

I believe the church is meant to be organic and flexible--but I'm not sure that such a thing as nimbleness will ever work it's way into the crusty fabric of the institution.

I believe that God is for the oppressed and wants to redeem the oppressor. I believe that God has a preference for the poor but wants to convert the hearts of the rich. I believe that God has a soft spot for Ragamuffins and Goonies, for the broken-hearted and the downtrodden. I believe that nothing is as powerful as God's ability and willingness to love.

And I believe in the Revolution that Jesus kicked off--I just think a lot of church-folk have lost their passion and energy for it. I think we've married the American Dream to the Reign of Christ and the world is worse for it.

I listen to The Psalters, Rage Against the Machine, Dave Matthews Band, and the Grateful Dead. (among others)
I read Brennan Manning, Brain McLaren, Rob Bell, Erwin R. McManus, and Stephen King. (In addition to the Bible and a few select comic books.)

I know that heaven has come to earth and now is the time for heroes.

The Pilgrimm

1 comment:

Brian Vinson said...

Pleased to meet you! Oh, wait, I met you at Lakeside. So, pleased to meet your cyber self. Or something like that.