Friday, January 30, 2009

Holy Mounds of Snow, Batman!

What a kooky week! Four days with the kids at home, several inches of snow and some ice thrown in to boot! Makes me think of the Batman TV show from wayback when Robin would bust out a "Holy mounds of snow, Batman!"

But more than just the snow, there's been other bits of craziness that's turned my heart to deep, seeking prayer (I can't share any more about the craziness, but rest assured life in the Dawson house is as "normal" as it can be; we're fine, I'm fine, "everything is fine here, thank you. how are you?"). As I look at and feel the pain of others around me, I remember the prayers of the psalmists throughout the ages who have asked, "How long, O Lord? How Long?" and I understand why Paul says that there are times when the Spirit intercedes with sighs too deep for words.

Mother Teresa says that love sweeps the stains from the streets and lanes, and because it can, it must. And as I reflect on her life and ministry, I see a woman so devoted to Christ that she would serve sacrificially even in those times when she felt spiritually numb. (BTW this is not a way of saying that I feel this way, just a reflection on her own devotion knowing all of the stains she saw in her life.) She gives me hope that we can continue to sow seeds every day no matter what.

Sometimes being trusted to simply sow seeds can be a very frustrating task, especially when you yearn to see sprouts in specific places. And yet all I/we can do is continue to demonstrate Christ's love to them and pray for the Holy Spirit to water the seeds that we leave.

On a more positive note: I managed to get all of my writing done for the board of ordained ministry, so now I just wait for my interview with the board. it's a relief to be past the writing; the waiting I'll deal with and thinking (and re-thinking and second-thinking) is something I'm trying to avoid.

Veni, Sancte Spiritus!

(Come, Holy Spirit! )

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