Wednesday, September 19, 2007

insert smarmy title of your choice here

Reading my local newspaper this morning (on-line, so maybe newspaper isn't exactly accurate) and came across an article about a company that's considering my town for a natural gas pipeline compressor station location.

Wasn't feeling good about the idea and then I came across this comment:

"Allen Fore, a spokesman for Rockies Express Pipeline, said the final site decision for the compressor station will be decided based on what is best for the project and what's best suited for construction of this facility in relation to the pipeline...

Monroe residents are concerned about the project's proximity to residential subdivisions and a nursing home and the potential risks of gas leaks and explosions.

"We appreciate the concerns of citizens and we want to address those, but ultimately where we go will be dependent upon what's best for the project in cooperation with the elected officials and folks that will be working with us on a day-to-day basis throughout this project," he said." ("Middletown Site May be Best of Four for Pipeline Location" by Denise Miller, The Middletown Journal, Wednesday September 19, 2007)

We appreciate the concerns of the citizens but ultimately we'll do what's best for our pocketbooks, you mean? Captialism at it's worst. Forget the needs of the citizens; focus on the needs of the shareholders and the bottom line.

We'll stick the pipeline on the south side of town, where there's already a ton of industrial waste and a bunch of poor folks, so nobody will really care if we do it--and it will probably cost us less than asking for a zoning variation in a different community, so Middletown will probably suit us just fine!

Guess, I'll be letting the council know how I feel about this...

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