Saturday, July 14, 2007

Nothing Too Serious

We saw Transformers earlier this week.


That's not quite what I'm looking for. That doesn't exactly do it justice.


Okay, that's more like it.

Yeah, you don't see a movie like that and come out with a Steven Wright, deadpan, "we saw Transformers this week" comment. The effects were incredible, hard to tell where the cgi ends and the real stuff begins. It should translate well to DVD, but I wouldn't wait if I didn't have to if I were you.

Now, admittedly, Mirage (blue race car up there) wasn't in the movie which made the little boy in me a kind of sad--after all since it was the Transformer I had as a kid it
has to be the coolest one! But all things considered it was perhaps the best movie yet this year/ summer (we've seen Spiderman 3, Pirates 3, and F.F. I'm fairly caught up on the action-type must see this on the big screen with the eardrum deadening sound system free or die hard being the exception but I'm not all that interested).

All in all a very noble movie, even though the self sacrificial redemption is by-passed with redemptive retributive violence. (I won't say anymore because I don't wanna ruin it).

Saw a really cool trailer for a movie that comes out on 1.18.08 but doesn't have a title (Bad Robot Productions and J.J. Abrams of "Lost" is responsible for this one, too). So keep your eyes open.

Also started reading the Trade Paperbacks of 52 (Vol 1 anyway) yesterday. Looking forward to Vol 2 coming out in a couple of weeks.

What can I say...the Pilgrimm is a GEEK.

Guess that's it. Other than jammin' to the Doobie Brothers and still needing a haircut and needing a shower after mowing the lawn, not much else to report.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

my son-in-law went to see this without me...he's in deep doo for the shower, hey, just chillin' with the Doobies is enough...jesus is just alright...