Saturday, July 21, 2007

robots in disguise

No not another Transformers post...

We saw The Order of the Phoenix today. By far the best movie out this summer. It was very, very cool. Anyone who says that the H.P. story can't be viewed as allegory is deceiving themselves and can't see the forest for the trees. (The whole idea of finding love and community being what makes Harry better/stronger the he-who-must-not-be-named--the idea of love being stronger than the curse of death--the idea of good and evil residing within us all and us choosing which way to act/live just being a few.)

We still haven't gotten book seven (that would be Deathly Hallows for you under rock dwelling people)--just couldn't do the oh-dark-thirty trip to the local marketplace (we don't have any bookstores in our town) sad is that anyway, not a single bookstore, we have evil-mart and other super saver stores; we have super grocery stores/marketplaces; but we don't have any "real" bookstores--sometimes I feel like I live in a black hole.

Anyway, sorry Optimus and crew, but you've been bumped to numero duo. Harry and gang actually had a story to tell beyond the special effects. And plot trumps rockem-sockem any day.

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