Sunday, July 8, 2007

pleasant surprises

We have an over achieving sunflower in our front garden. No one knows where it came from--neither of the kids will admit to planting the seeds, so maybe it was the ubiquitous extra child who lives in every household going by the name "Not me." Either way, I'm not fussed.

It's beautiful. It's an over-achiever, but it's beautiful. At last count there were something like 19 blossoms on this thing. And what's really cute is that right next to this plant is a baby sunflower that's about three inches tall with one blossom on it that's ready to open.

I have no idea where they came from, but I don't care. It's a blessing I'm willing to accept.

Thanks ubiquitous third child, a.k.a "Not Me"!

Thanks God! (Because so many of your blessings are just like the sunflower in my front yard, mysterious yet glorious.)

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