Saturday, December 29, 2007

unlikely places

hanging out listening to T.S.O.
and this song comes on:

in a stable
in a manger
in the cold winter's air
in the arms of his mother
a child's lying there

in a city
in a village
though the years have gone by
the child still remains
with the dream still close by

and each year on this night teh Child
and each year on this night that hope rebegins
that the dream he has offered might one day
be taken

for the sake of our brother
for the child who's forgotten
for the dream that is still lying there

o' come all ye faithful
joyful and triumphant
o' come ye, o' come ye,
to bethlehem
come and adore him
born the king of angels

o' come let us adore him
o' come let us adore him
o' come let us adore him
Christ the Lord

in a stable
in a manger
in the cold winter's air
in the arms of his mother a child lying there

just thought i'd share that...
because once again the "normal people" know what it's about
while the church fumbles and bumbles and stumbles
and says "it's all about me."

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