Monday, December 3, 2007

Thing that make you go...WAUGH!

I forgot my password and I couldn't get it to reset--but today it finally agreed to reset.


I haven't been able to update in ages and ages and ages and ages...

If you want to see everything that's been going on check out the following link: and you'll be able to catch up on the nomadic world of the prodigal pilgrim.

We are hopefully moving this week; the house stinks of varnish and fresh paint and is off-gassing like I do after a big bean dinner (if you didn't want to know that, I apologize)...but we should be moving in this weekend. I hope our phone gets hooked up soon, even though no one will be there to answer it.

Okay, I'm back and this is random nonsense so if you want more stuff to read check out the above link.

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